# 1 cat > /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/doc/dockerfile.txt << eof *dockerfile.txt* Syntax highlighting for Dockerfiles Author: Honza Pokorny License: BSD INSTALLATION *installation* Drop it on your Pathogen path and you're all set. FEATURES *features* The syntax highlighting includes: * The directives (e.g. FROM) * Strings * Comments vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: eof echo '--> /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/doc/dockerfile.txt' build success # 2 cat > /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/dockerfile.vim << eof au BufNewFile,BufRead [Dd]ockerfile,Dockerfile.*,*.Dockerfile set filetype=dockerfile eof echo '--> /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/dockerfile.vim' build success # 3 cat > /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/dockerfile.vim << eof " dockerfile.vim - Syntax highlighting for Dockerfiles " Maintainer: Honza Pokorny " Version: 0.5 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let b:current_syntax = "dockerfile" syntax case ignore syntax match dockerfileKeyword /\v^\s*(ONBUILD\s+)?(ADD|ARG|CMD|COPY|ENTRYPOINT|ENV|EXPOSE|FROM|HEALTHCHECK|LABEL|MAINTAINER|RUN|SHELL|STOPSIGNAL|USER|VOLUME|WORKDIR)\s/ highlight link dockerfileKeyword Keyword syntax region dockerfileString start=/\v"/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v"/ highlight link dockerfileString String syntax match dockerfileComment "\v^\s*#.*$" highlight link dockerfileComment Comment set commentstring=#\ %s " match "RUN", "CMD", and "ENTRYPOINT" lines, and parse them as shell let s:current_syntax = b:current_syntax unlet b:current_syntax syntax include @SH syntax/sh.vim let b:current_syntax = s:current_syntax syntax region shLine matchgroup=dockerfileKeyword start=/\v^\s*(RUN|CMD|ENTRYPOINT)\s/ end=/\v$/ contains=@SH " since @SH will handle "\" as part of the same line automatically, this "just works" for line continuation too, but with the caveat that it will highlight "RUN echo '" followed by a newline as if it were a block because the "'" is shell line continuation... not sure how to fix that just yet (TODO) eof echo '--> /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/dockerfile.vim build' success